Dedicated to meeting
your needs for a life
that is both comfortable and healthy
We're involved not only in pharmaceuticals
but also in skincare and health foods.
We will continue to offer people "Peace of Mind, and Sense of Excitement"
while leading the way in creating new value.
Domestic medical business
Medical supplies to protect the area around the anus

Domestic OTC (over-the-counter) drug business
Medications designed to alleviate issues related to the area around the anus
- - BORRAGINOL® series
Overseas OTC (over-the-counter) drug business
Amato quality, outside Japan
- - Taiwan: HONOUJI® (injectable ointment)
- - Cross-border EC (for China): BORRAGINOL® series

Skincare business
Skincare to protect the area around the anus
- - BORRASOFT® series
Health food business
Supplements to support your everyday comfort
- - BORRACARE® series