• Mission Statement

    "Peace of Mind, and Sense of Excitement."
    In order to support people and maintain their life and vitality,
    Amato seeks to create new values propelled by its passion and advanced technology that they have developed over the years.
  • Vision

    Amato is the leading company creating new values,
    and helping people enjoy life to the fullest.
    In order to support people and maintain their life and vitality, Amato seeks to create new values propelled by its passion and advanced technology that they have developed over the years.
  • Values

    Demonstrate creativity
    to develop new values.
    Work toward high goals with passion.
    Show sensitivity in regards
    to the needs of patients and communities.
    Recognize the needs of patients by listening
    to each and every one of their voices.
    Demonstrate discipline by respecting rules and regulations
    of society and communities

Delivering "Peace of Mind, and Sense of Excitement."

Our wish is to offer peace of mind to people suffering from pain, enabling them to live life to the fullest. This commitment drives us to create gentle solutions and medicines.

Cherishing gratitude for life and society.

By showing appreciation for the preciousness of life and for a sustainable society, we believe we are bestowing additional opportunities and missions on ourselves.

Leading the way in creating new value.

Companies like ours must consistently seek ways to support healthy lives. However, without the right mindset and determination to take initiative, creating new value becomes challenging. We will persist in embracing the challenge of generating new value.

Passion and cultivated skills propel us forward.

Since our founding, Amato has encountered a range of challenges. These include creating new pharmaceuticals for a disease that had no cure and introducing new pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment for the first time in the world. What empowers Amato to overcome these hurdles is the profound passion we hold and the continuously cultivated skills in engineering. These elements together forge the bedrock of the unwavering competitive spirit that defines our dedicated workforce.

Corporate Symbol

Amato's corporate symbol was designed by combining a stylized rendering of the Japanese character for "ten" (heaven), which is also the first character in the name "Amato," within a six-sided benzene ring, which is an often used chemical structural pattern.
Corporate Symbol